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[Tutorial] Photoshop Tips: How to Make an Image with Rounded Corners

Monday 13 April 2015
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[Tutorial] Photoshop Tips: How to Make an Image with Rounded Corners

Do you want to create an image with border radius in Photoshop? Border radius is a property that allows you to round the corners of an image, making it look more smooth and elegant. You can use border radius to create circular or oval images, or to crop an image with rounded edges. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create an image with border radius in Photoshop using two methods: masks and shapes.

## Method 1: Using Masks

Masks are a feature in Photoshop that allow you to hide or reveal parts of an image by painting with black or white on the mask. You can use masks to create an image with border radius by following these steps:

1. Open the image that you want to apply border radius to in Photoshop.

2. Go to Layer > New > Layer from Background. This will convert your background layer into a normal layer, which will allow you to add a mask to it.

3. Go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All. This will add a white mask to your layer, which means that nothing is hidden yet.

4. Select the elliptical marquee tool from the toolbar, or press M on your keyboard. You can also use the rectangular marquee tool if you want a square image with rounded corners.

5. On your image, drag the marquee tool over the area that you want to keep. You can adjust the size and position of the selection by dragging the handles on the corners and edges of the marquee. You can also hold down the Shift key while dragging to make a perfect circle or square.

6. Go to Select > Modify > Smooth. This will smooth the edges of your selection, making them more rounded. You can enter a value for the sample radius, which determines how much smoothing is applied. A higher value will result in more rounded corners, while a lower value will result in less rounded corners.

7. Press Ctrl+Shift+I (or Cmd+Shift+I on Mac) to invert the selection, or go to Select > Inverse. This will select everything outside of your original selection.

8. Press Ctrl+Backspace (or Cmd+Delete on Mac) to fill the selection with black, or go to Edit > Fill and choose black as the fill color. This will hide everything outside of your original selection, leaving only the rounded area visible.

9. Press Ctrl+D (or Cmd+D on Mac) to deselect the selection, or go to Select > Deselect.

10. You can adjust the opacity and blending mode of your layer by using the options in the layers panel. You can also add layer styles, such as drop shadow, stroke, or bevel and emboss, by clicking on the fx icon at the bottom of the layers panel.

## Method 2: Using Shapes

Shapes are vector objects in Photoshop that allow you to create geometric shapes, such as rectangles, circles, or polygons. You can use shapes to create an image with border radius by following these steps:

1. Open the image that you want to apply border radius to in Photoshop.

2. Go to Layer > New > Layer from Background. This will convert your background layer into a normal layer, which will allow you to add a shape layer above it.

3. Select the shape tool from the toolbar, or press U on your keyboard. You can choose between different shapes, such as rectangle, ellipse, polygon, or custom shape.

4. On your image, drag the shape tool over the area that you want to keep. You can adjust the size and position of the shape by dragging the handles on the corners and edges of the shape. You can also hold down the Shift key while dragging to make a perfect circle or square.

5. In the options bar at the top of the screen, you can adjust the fill and stroke color of your shape, as well as its border radius. The border radius determines how rounded are the corners of your shape. A higher value will result in more rounded corners, while a lower value will result in less rounded corners.

6. In the layers panel, drag your shape layer below your image layer. This will make your shape act as a clipping mask for your image, meaning that only the area inside the shape will be visible.

7. You can adjust the opacity and blending mode of your image layer by using the options in the layers panel. You can also add layer styles, such as drop shadow, stroke, or bevel and emboss, by clicking on the fx icon at the bottom of the layers panel.

#Photoshop #BorderRadius #ImageEditing #Masks #Shapes #ClippingMask #LayerStyles #MarqueeTool #ShapeTool #PhotoshopTips

Below is Vietnamese version

Bạn muốn tạo tấm hình có góc bo tròn ở 4 góc, Trong photoshop có một công cụ hỗ trợ rất hay, nào chúng ta cùng xem nhé :)

Photoshop Tips: How to Make an Image with Rounded Corners

Bước 1:

Mở tấm hình bất kỳ cần tạo góc bo tròn, double click vào layer để chuyển background thành layer như hình vẽ

Photoshop Tips: How to Make an Image with Rounded Corners

Bước 2:

Chọn công cụ Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), chọn góc bo tròn (Feather), vẽ vào tấm ảnh một hình chữ nhật,

Photoshop Tips - Photoshop Tips: How to Make an Image with Rounded Corners

Bước 3:

Khi vẽ xong hình chữ nhật có góc bo tròn, -> nhấn ctrl + shift +I để chọn vùng ngược lại, ta sẽ có hai đường viền như hình sau:

Photoshop Tips - Photoshop Tips: How to Make an Image with Rounded Corners

Bước 4:

Nhấn delete để remove cạnh của hình

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