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[Tutorial] Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together

Monday 27 April 2015
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[Tutorial] Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together

Have you ever wanted to combine two images into one? Maybe you want to create a collage, a montage, or a before-and-after comparison. Or maybe you want to blend two images together for a creative effect. Whatever your goal, you can use the marquee tool in Photoshop to achieve it.

The marquee tool is one of the most basic and versatile tools in Photoshop. It allows you to select a rectangular or elliptical area of an image and move, copy, or delete it. You can also use it to create a new layer from a selection, or fill a selection with a color or pattern.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the marquee tool to pair two images together. We will use two examples: one where we want to create a collage of two images, and one where we want to blend two images together.

## Creating a Collage of Two Images

A collage is a composition of two or more images that are arranged together in a creative way. To create a collage of two images with the marquee tool, follow these steps:

1. Open the two images that you want to combine in Photoshop. Make sure they have the same resolution and color mode.

2. Choose one of the images as the base image, and the other as the overlay image. The base image will be the background of the collage, and the overlay image will be placed on top of it.
3. Select the marquee tool from the toolbar, or press M on your keyboard. You can choose between the rectangular marquee tool or the elliptical marquee tool, depending on the shape that you want for your overlay image.
4. On the overlay image, drag the marquee tool over the area that you want to copy. You can adjust the size and position of the selection by dragging the handles on the corners and edges of the marquee.
5. Press Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on Mac) to copy the selection, or go to Edit > Copy.
6. Go to the base image, and press Ctrl+V (or Cmd+V on Mac) to paste the selection, or go to Edit > Paste. The overlay image will appear as a new layer on top of the base image.
7. You can move and resize the overlay image by using the move tool (V) and the free transform tool (Ctrl+T or Cmd+T). You can also rotate, flip, or skew the overlay image by using the options in the free transform tool.
8. You can adjust the opacity and blending mode of the overlay image by using the options in the layers panel. You can also add layer styles, such as drop shadow, stroke, or bevel and emboss, by clicking on the fx icon at the bottom of the layers panel.
9. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for any other images that you want to add to your collage.
10. When you are happy with your collage, save it as a PSD file for future editing, or as a JPEG or PNG file for sharing.

## Blending Two Images Together

Blending two images together is a way of creating a composite image that combines elements from both images. To blend two images together with the marquee tool, follow these steps:

1. Open the two images that you want to blend in Photoshop. Make sure they have the same resolution and color mode.

2. Choose one of the images as the base image, and the other as the overlay image. The base image will be the background of the composite image, and the overlay image will be blended with it.

3. Select the marquee tool from the toolbar, or press M on your keyboard. You can choose between the rectangular marquee tool or the elliptical marquee tool, depending on the shape that you want for your overlay image.

4. On the overlay image, drag the marquee tool over the area that you want to blend. You can adjust the size and position of the selection by dragging the handles on the corners and edges of the marquee.

5. Press Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on Mac) to copy the selection, or go to Edit > Copy.

6. Go to the base image, and press Ctrl+V (or Cmd+V on Mac) to paste the selection, or go to Edit > Paste. The overlay image will appear as a new layer on top of the base image.

7. You can move and resize the overlay image by using the move tool (V) and the free transform tool (Ctrl+T or Cmd+T). You can also rotate, flip, or skew the overlay image by using the options in the free transform tool.

8. You can adjust the opacity and blending mode of the overlay image by using the options in the layers panel. You can also add a layer mask to the overlay image by clicking on the add layer mask icon at the bottom of the layers panel. A layer mask allows you to hide or reveal parts of the overlay image by painting with black or white on the mask.

9. To blend the edges of the overlay image with the base image, you can use a soft brush with a low opacity and paint with black on the layer mask. This will create a smooth transition between the two images.

10. When you are happy with your composite image, save it as a PSD file for future editing, or as a JPEG or PNG file for sharing. 

#Photoshop #MarqueeTool #ImageEditing #Collage #Blending


 Bạn muốn ghép hai tấm ảnh lại thành 1 tấm

Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together

Hai tấm ảnh ban đầu như sau

Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together
ảnh 1
Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together
ảnh 2
Bước 1:
- Lần lượt mở hai tấm ảnh 01 và 02 bằng File -> Open (tạo thành 2 file: anh1.pts và anh2.pts) 
- Đổi tên layer của hai tấm ảnh (anh 1, anh 2) xem hình

Chú ý: Cách đổi tên layer (nhấn dupe vào hình ổ khóa trên layer -> nhập tên layer vào)

Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together

Bước 2:
- Tại file anh2.pts kéo chuột di chuyển layer "anh 2" vào "anh 1"
- File anh1.pts Tạo thành 2 layer (như hình vẽ)
- Đóng file anh2.pts (close)

Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together

Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together

Bước 3:
- Tại layer "anh 2" -> nhấn CTRL + T (tranform) => thay đổi kích thước ảnh cho phù hợp
- Dùng canvas size nếu nền background không đủ chỗ chứa tấm ảnh (Image -> Canvas size)

Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together 

Bước 4:
- Sau khi cân chỉnh tấm hình đẹp, cân đối,  hai tấm ảnh đã được ghép lại với nhau (xem hình), tuy nhiên ta vẫn còn thấy một đường chính giữa hai tấm ảnh hiện rõ nét, điều này làm cho tấm ảnh không tự nhiên
- Để xóa bỏ đường nét giữa ta cần làm mờ cái đường giữa bằng cách dùng tool Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) với feather = 50px (feather càng cao thì độ mờ càng rộng)
- Tại từng layer, vẽ một khung hình chữ nhật ở ngay giữa đường line giữa hai bức ảnh
  • Tại Layer 2 -> dùng Marquee Tool vẽ một khung -> nhấn delete -> mờ đi vùng chọn
  • Tại Layer 1 -> dùng Marquee Tool vẽ một khung -> nhấn delete -> mờ đi vùng chọn
- Có thể delete nhiều lần cho đến khi mờ hẳn đường line giữa bằng Rectangular Marquee Tool
- Kéo hai hình lại gần nhau :)

Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together
 Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together
 Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together
Đây là thành quả
Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you found it helpful and easy to follow. If you have any feedback or questions about Using Marquee Tool to pair two images together , please share them in the comments below. I would love to hear from you and discuss this topic further
✋✋✋✋  Webzone Tech Tips, all things Tech Tips for web development  - I am Zidane, See you next time soon ✋✋✋✋

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