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[Tips] How to protect your facebook account and password

Monday, 28 November 2016
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[Tips] How to protect your facebook account and password

10 ways protect your Facebook account, password

Today I'll share for you the method the hackers can hack your Facebook account.

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 1: Facebook Phishing

Disguise Facebook is the most common which hacker are applying to hack
How to protect your account:
1. Create a fake page same as Facebook page
2. Hacker will sent email to victim request login fake Facebook site

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 2: KeyLogging

- Keylogging is easy way to steal your Facebook account and password
- Keylogging is a small program, once installed on your computer, it will record all the content that you type on your computer.
- The recorded content will be sent to hacker directly on his email

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 3: Stealers

More than 80% of users typically save passwords on your browser to log in Facebook, that really very convenient way for you, but extremely worrying because hackers can easily steal password to access your storage.

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 4: Session Hijacking

Session Hijacking very dangerous if you visit Facebook in connection http://, when use Hijacking hack method, hackers will steal the cookie in the browser of the victim (used to verify a user on a web page) and use it to log into the account of the victim.

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 5: Side Jacking / Firesheep

Sidejacking is one of common way to hack email and facebook account. This method is steal the user through the use of public wireless networks to sign a website

Firesheep is widely used to perform sidejacking, especially effective when users and hackers are sharing a wi-fi network,

Session hijacjung is another name of Sidejacking

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 6: Mobile Phone hacking

Millions of facebook users to log in via your phone, if hackers can penetrade the vitim's phone, users could lose your account.

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 7: USB Hacking

If hackers can access directly through your computer, he can mount a use can install programs automatically retrieve passwords stored in browsers.
=> Do not leave your laptop in unsafe places
=> Do not accept the strange device when install warning computer programs

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 8: Man in the middle attack

If victim and hacker use the share LAN Network, hacker can infiltrate between user and server, or can fake the default gateway and steal information

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 9: Botnets

Botnets isn't common way to hack Facebook account, because it usually more serious attack.

Botnets are networks of computers that are creating computes that hackers can control remotely. PC in botnet network is PC infected malware and get control. botnet can have hundreds of thousands, even millions of computers.

How to protect your facebook account and password

#Hack 10: DNS Spoofing

If user and hacker is same as connection network, hacker can use DNS Spoofing way attack and change domain by fake facebook page.

How to protect your facebook account and password

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