😁 Greetings, everyone! Welcome back to the Learn Tech Tips Blog. In today's session, I'll be sharing some invaluable tools for web developers. Make sure to save and bookmark them; they're bound to be beneficial in your professional journey.😁
Javascript libraries
Particles.js — A library for creating beautiful floating particles on a web page
Three.js — A library for creating 3d objects and spaces on a web page,
Fullpage.js — Easy to implement full page scroll feature
mattboldt/typed.js: A JavaScript Typing Animation Library
)— Typewriter effectWaypoints.js — Trigger a function when you scroll to an element
Highlight.js — Syntax highlighting for the web
Chart.js, Chartist - Make beautiful charts using only javascript
Instantclick — Dramatically speed up your website load time, preloading resources on mouse hover
Animate.css — Animation library, Same Wow
Magic animations — same Wow
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👉 Facebook:Animstion — Wow.js Jquery plugin for css animated page transitions / Reveal animations when you scroll
Barba.js — Fluid page transitions, is a small (7kb minified and compressed) and easy-to-use library that helps you create fluid and smooth transitions between your website's pages. It makes your website run like a SPA (Single Page Application) and help reduce the delay between your pages, minimize browser HTTP requests and enhance your user's web experience.
TwentyTwenty — A visual diff tool to spot differences, Need to highlight the differences between two images? TwentyTwenty, a visual diff tool, makes it easy to spot them!
Vivus.js — A library for making drawing animation on SVG, Vivus is a lightweight JavaScript class (with no dependencies) that allows you to animate SVGs, giving them the appearance of being drawn. There are a variety of different animations available, as well as the option to create a custom script to draw your SVG in whatever way you like.
Scrolline.js — See how much you have scrolled untill the end of the page, A jQuery plugin. Create a scroll line bar indicator on the page.
Velocity.js — Very fast and smooth javascript animations
Animate on scroll — Pretty straightforward
Handlebars.js — Javascript templating
One page scroll , Pagepiling.js - one page scrolling library
Parallax.js — Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device
Typeahead.js , Flexdatalist — Search completion, Autocomplete
Multiscroll.js — Multi scroll a website into two vertical scrolling panels
Favico.js — Dynamic favicons
Keycode — Get javascript keycode for a button that is pressed
Slideout.js — Slideout navigation menu for mobile apps
Jquerymy — Two way data bindings using jquery, useful when do demo UI and code at the same time
Cleave.js — Format content while typing
Page — Client side routing for single page applications
Selectize.js — Hybrid select box for adding tags, Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. It's jQuery-based and it's useful for tagging, contact lists, country selectors, and so on.
Select2 — Jquery replacement for select boxes
Nice select — Jquery library for creating beautiful select boxes
Shepherd.js — Guide users through your app
Tooltip — Name speaks for itself
IziToast — Easy to implement js notifications
CSS libraries / Design stuff
Materialui.co — Many resources for Material design framework
Colorrrs — Random color generator
Flat UI Colors — List of simple and effective main colors
Material design lite — Framework based on Google’s material design
Section separators — Css section dividers
Framework for frontend fast to web apps development
Topcoat — CSS Framework, like bootstrap but very fast and easy use, CSS for clean and fast web apps
Bootstrap — Framework Frontend
UI Kit — Framework Frontend like Bootstrap, TailwindCSS
Foundation — Framework front end same TailwindCSS
Create ken burns effect — Ken burns effect using css3 animations
Spin Collections
CSS Spin Collection: by Learn Tech Tips
CSSpin — Collection of css spinners
Feather icons — Icons need download for insert in website
Icons Collections
Ion icons — Icons (no need download, just add library and add icon code)
Font awesome — Icons (no need download, just add library and add icon code)
Font generator — Combine multiple fonts and create a mixture, very useful for check when create a website, we need the random ideas for font.
On/Off switch — Create on/off switch in css, good for check or radio buttons
Little Widgets — Html template collection (pay, not free)
Useful products / links
<head> cheatsheet — a list of everything that could go into <head> tag, wow, this is full description for head descriotion on website, google, facebook, faviour icon
Ghost — Simple blogging platform based on node.js (pay, not free)
What runs — Chrome plugin to discover what technologies are used to build a website
Learn anything — Powerful mind maps that break down a certain subject (pay, not free)
This is the list of some tools/frameworks/libraries I personally have been using for some time.
Thanks for: https://hackernoon.com/67-useful-tools-libraries-and-resources-for-saving-your-time-as-a-web-developer-7d3fb8667030 sharing the link, and I will use this as a foundation to provide a more detailed explanation. Thanks for everyone ~, your welcome