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Async issue with Ratchet and RabbitMQ

Monday, 4 December 2023
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Async issue with Ratchet and RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is a popular and powerful message broker that allows applications to communicate with each other through asynchronous messages. Ratchet is a PHP library that provides a simple and elegant way to create real-time web applications using WebSockets. However, integrating RabbitMQ and Ratchet can pose some challenges and issues, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations. In this essay, I will explain some of the problems and solutions for using RabbitMQ and Ratchet together.

One of the main problems is how to send messages from RabbitMQ to Ratchet. Since RabbitMQ and Ratchet run on different processes, they cannot communicate directly with each other. Therefore, we need to use some mechanism to bridge the gap between them. One possible solution is to use a message queue system that supports both RabbitMQ and Ratchet, such as Beanstalkd. Beanstalkd is a simple and fast message queue system that allows applications to send and receive messages using a common protocol. We can use Beanstalkd to create a queue that contains the messages that we want to broadcast to the clients using Ratchet. Then, we can use a CakePHP Command to act as a background worker that listens to the queue and sends the messages to Ratchet using the Ratchet\Client\connect() method. This way, we can achieve a request-response model using asynchronous messaging.

Async issue with Ratchet and RabbitMQ

Async issue with Ratchet and RabbitMQ

Another problem is how to handle the concurrency and scalability of the messages. Since RabbitMQ and Ratchet are both asynchronous, they can handle multiple messages at the same time without blocking the execution. However, this also means that we need to be careful about the order and consistency of the messages. For example, if we have multiple publishers and consumers of the messages, we need to ensure that the messages are delivered and processed in the correct order and without duplication or loss. One possible solution is to use some features of RabbitMQ and Ratchet to control the flow and quality of the messages, such as:

•  Priority: We can assign different priorities to the messages based on their importance or urgency. For example, we can use a lower priority for messages that are not time-sensitive, and a higher priority for messages that are critical or urgent. This way, we can ensure that the messages are processed in the order of their priority.

•  Delay: We can delay the delivery of the messages based on some conditions or criteria. For example, we can use a delay for messages that are not relevant or applicable at the moment, and send them later when they are needed or requested. This way, we can reduce the load and congestion of the messages.

•  Time to run: We can specify how long the messages can be processed by the consumers. For example, we can use a time to run for messages that have a deadline or expiration. If the messages are not processed within the time to run, they will be released back to the queue or discarded. This way, we can prevent the messages from being stuck or wasted.

These are some of the main problems and solutions for integrating RabbitMQ and Ratchet. By using these techniques, we can create a robust and efficient system that can handle asynchronous messages between different applications. However, we should also be aware of the trade-offs and challenges of using these techniques, such as:

•  Performance: Using a message queue system or a background worker can introduce some overhead and latency to the system. We need to balance the trade-off between performance and reliability, and choose the best option for our needs and preferences.

•  Complexity: Using a message queue system or a background worker can increase the complexity and difficulty of the system. We need to manage and monitor the status and health of the system, and handle any errors or exceptions that may occur.

•  Compatibility: Using a message queue system or a background worker can affect the compatibility and interoperability of the system. We need to ensure that the system can work with different platforms and environments, and follow the standards and protocols of the system.

In conclusion, RabbitMQ and Ratchet are both powerful and useful tools for creating asynchronous and real-time web applications. However, integrating them can pose some issues and challenges, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations. We can use some techniques and solutions to overcome these issues and challenges, but we should also be aware of the trade-offs and challenges of using them. We should do our own research and testing before using them for our project. I hope this essay helps you understand the topic of "Async issue with Ratchet and RabbitMQ"

To Implement Promises and Asynchronous Execution:
Instead of using the while loop to wait for callbacks indefinitely, you can utilize Promises and asynchronous execution to handle the RabbitMQ messages. This will allow the event loop to continue running and process other events while waiting for messages. You can use the react/event-loop library along with the react/promise package to achieve this. Here's an example of how you can modify your code: 

First Composer,json need update

"require": {
"php": ">=7.4",
"cakephp/authentication": "^2.6",
"cakephp/cakephp": "4.4.*",
"cakephp/migrations": "^3.2",
"cakephp/plugin-installer": "^1.3",
"cboden/ratchet": "^0.4.4",
"firebase/php-jwt": "^5.3",
"gregwar/captcha": "^1.2",
"mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib": "^2.8",
"php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "^3.6",
"ratchet/pawl": "^0.4.1",
"react/promise": "^3.1" }
// On RatbbitMQ Server we call a CSocketClient::broadcastLoginPromise

namespace App\Command;

use Cake\Command\Command;
use Cake\Console\Arguments;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleIo;

// add component for use
use Cake\Core\Configure;
use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection;
use App\MyHelper\CSocketClient;
use App\MyHelper\MyHelper;

class RabbitmqServerCommand extends Command
public function execute(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io)
$io->warning('Waiting for Message Queue: ');
$connection = new AMQPStreamConnection(

$channel = $connection->channel();

$exchangeName = MyHelper::EXCHANGE_NAME;
$queueName = MyHelper::QUEUE_NAME;

$channel->exchange_declare($exchangeName, 'direct', false, true, false);
$channel->queue_declare($queueName, false, true, false, false);
$channel->queue_bind($queueName, $exchangeName);

$callback = function ($message) {
$row = json_decode($message->body, true);
CSocketClient::broadcastLoginPromise($row['id'], $row['token']);

$channel->basic_consume($queueName, '', false, true, false, false, $callback);

while (count($channel->callbacks)) {


On the CSocketClient


namespace App\MyHelper;

use Cake\Core\Configure;
use Cake\Log\Log;
use React\Promise\Deferred;

use React\EventLoop\Factory as LoopFactory;
use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;

class CSocketClient
public const LOG = 'aplay_log';

public const BROADCAST_LOGIN_TYPE = "BROADCAST_LOGIN"; // broadcast when server update (need compare username)

public static function broadcastLoginPromise($id, $token)
$loop = LoopFactory::create();
$log = self::LOG;
$deferred = new Deferred();

\Ratchet\Client\connect(Configure::read('websocket'))->then(function ($conn) use ($id, $token, $log, $deferred) {

$joinCommand = [
'cmd' => CSocketClient::BROADCAST_LOGIN_TYPE,
'message' => $token, // client check token is it will be kick
'id' => $id,
$msg = "[BROADCAST_LOGIN_TYPE] running " . json_encode( $joinCommand );
Log::info($msg, ['scope' => $log]);

$conn->on('message', function ($msg) use ($conn, $log) {
}, function ($e) use ($deferred) {

$promise = $deferred->promise();


For reference please check the source code aplay-cms-tn on GitHub.

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you found it helpful and easy to follow. If you have any feedback or questions about , please share them in the comments below. I would love to hear from you and discuss this topic further
✋✋✋✋  Webzone Tech Tips, all things Tech Tips for web development  - I am Zidane, See you next time soon ✋✋✋✋

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