Happy new year everyone
Welcome to Learn Tech Tips Blogspot, I am Zidane (nick name: ιΈ‘θ) I Wishes you have a wonderful new year and succeed in your life
If you a front end developer. I think sometime you will do a responsive with a background image. So today I will support you how to easy do it.
How to make a div background-image responsive
I have summary a solution on this video link, you can go check it out.
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π Facebook:On backhground image: you MUST remember 3 attributes: aspect-ratio, width and background-size:
- with aspect-radio: you should make width/height for sure the image with full resolution with desing
- with width of background image: you should let a value is 100vw / 100% same as my video
- width: background-size: you MUST choose: 'contain' for sure image display on view size
just three above attributes you can make a div background image responsive already.
Is it Easy everyone, I think you all can do it after read this topic.
I will post all my source code here for you easy reference
@learntechtips happy new year. How to make a div background image responsive #responsive #cssstandard #learntechtips #learntechtipszidane #happynewyear ♬ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Lia Syila
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How to make a div background-image responsive
<div class="description">
<li> Set background-size: contain </li>
<li> Set aspect-ratio: width/height </li>
<li> Set width: 100vw </li>
<div class="diamond">
@media screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 320px) { body { font-size: 4px; } } @media screen and (min-width: 321px) and (max-width: 639px) { body { font-size: 5px; } } @media screen and (min-width: 640px) and (max-width: 1200px) { body { font-size: 6px; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1201px) and (max-width: 1900px) { .body { font-size: 10px; } } .content { padding: 20px; border: 2px solid orange; box-shadow: 3px 3px orange; background-color: white; margin: 50px; } .main-title { font-size: 5em; color: yellow; background-color: black; border-radius: 20px; padding: 20px; font-weight: 900; text-align: center; } .title { margin-top: 20px; font-size: 3em; color: red; font-weight: 900; } a { color: white; } .description { font-size: 3em; } ul li { line-height: 2em; } .highlight { text-transform: uppercase; background-color: yellow; padding: 20px; } .diamond { background-image: url('../../public/image/mobile/Mobile_OJ05.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top center; background-size: contain; aspect-ratio: 881/501; margin-top: 30px; }
If you have any question or feedback about topic: make a div background image responsive. leave your comment, we can discuss about it