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[Tips] 10 important differences between WCF Services and ASP.NET Web Services

Thursday 9 August 2018
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[Tips] 10 important differences between WCF Services and ASP.NET Web Services

Many people confuse what differences between WCF services and ASP.NET web services
In this topic, I will list the details lists 10 differences items for you

10 important differences between WCF Services and ASP.NET Web Services


 public interface IHelloService
     void DoWork();
     string GetMessage(string name);

public class HelloService : IHelloService
        public void DoWork()
        public string GetMessage(string name)
            return "Welcome: " + name;
ASP.NET Web Services

public class Service: System.Web.Services.WebService
        public string Test()
            return "Hello world!";

WCF ASP.NET Web Services
Hosted in IIS, WAS (Windows Activation Service), Self-hosting, Windows service Hosted in IIS

Accessed through HTTP, TCP, MSMQ, P2P, Named pipes Accessed through HTTP only

Support security, reliable messaging, transactions, durable messages, service orientation,
interoperability, service metadata, AJAX and REST support, extensibility
Supports security services

Uses the ServiceMeta data tool (svcutil.exe) to generate the client for the service Uses the command-line tool WSDL.exe to generate the client for the service.
Unhandled exceptions are not returned to clients as SOAP faults.
A configuration setting is provided to have the unhandled exceptions returned to clients for the purpose of debugging.
Unhandled exceptions are returned to the client as SOAP faults

The generated WSDL can customized by using ServiceMeta data Behavior class The generated WSDL can customized by using ServiceDescriptionFormatExtension class
System.RunTime.Serialization is supported.
- Better performance.
- DataContractAttribute and DataMemberAttribute can be added to .NET Framework types to indicate that instances of the type are to be serialized into XML, and which particular fields or properties of the type are to be serialized.
- Classes that implement the IDictionary interface can be serialized.
- Hash table can be serialized.
System.XML.Serialization is supported
- Worse performance
- Only public fields or Properties of .NET types can be translated into XML - Only the classes which implement IEnumerable and ICollection interface can be serialized.
- Hash table can not be serialized.

Can be multithreaded via ServiceBehavior class Can not be multithread.
Supports different type of bindings like BasicHttpBinding, WSHttpBinding, WSDualHttpBinding etc.
Only used SOAP or XML for this.


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