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[Tips] What's WordPress? WordPress development

Saturday 10 September 2016
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[Tips] What's WordPress? WordPress development

What's WordPress

WordPress is a free and open-source Content Management System (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.

What's WordPress? WordPress development

WordPress is installed on a web server, which either is part of an Internet hosting service or is a network host itself; the first case may be on a service like, for example, and the second case is a computer running the software package

An example of the second case is a local computer configured to act as its own web server hosting WordPress for single-user testing or learning purposes. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system.

WordPress was used by more than 26.4% of the top 10 million websites as of April 2016

WordPress is the easiest and most popular blogging system in use on the Web, at more than 60 million websites.


Best Wordpress IDE which i know - Code Lobster

What's WordPress? WordPress development

CodeLobster IDE support
- PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript highlighting;
- Advanced PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript autocomplete;
- A powerful PHP debugger; context and dynamic Help;
- A code validator;
- Supported CMS:  WordPress, Drupal, Joomla
- A SQL manager and much more...
What's WordPress? WordPress development

WordPress development


styles.css: the heart of theme
functions.php: brain of theme
index.php: template of theme
header.php: header of theme, use get_header() -> get header of theme
footer.php: footer of theme, use get_footer() -> get footer of theme
sidebar.php: display sidebar of theme, use get_sidebar() -> get sidebar of theme

Code Reference link

Codex Reference - WordPress, Action Hook, Filter Hook Reference

Home page of template:
- index.php
  + front-page.php

WPhierarchy- The WordPress Template Hierarchy

What's Action Hook

Actions are triggered by specific events that take place in WordPress, such as publishing a post, changing themes, or displaying an administration screen. 
An Action is a custom PHP function defined in your plugin (or theme) and hooked, i.e. set to respond, to some of these events. Actions usually do one or more of the following:  
- Modify database data.
- Send an email message.
- Modify the generated administration screen or front-end page sent to a user browser.

Use actions when you want to add something to the existing page such as stylesheets, JavaScript dependencies, or send an email when an event has happened.

add_action ('hook event / hook event', 'function names', priority) ;


    function int_theme_setup()
    add_action  ('init', 'int_theme_setup');


What's Filter Hook

Use filters when you want to manipulate data coming out of the database prior to going to the browser, or coming from the browser prior to going into the database.


add_filter ('filter event / filter event', 'function names') ;

          $copyright = 'Design by zidane'; 
          echo apply_filter ('zidane_copyright',     $copyright);
          function change_copyright ($output)
                   $output = 'Design by WordPress' ;
                   return $output;
          add_filter ('$zidane_copyright', 'zidane_copyright' );


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As a student, I found Blogspot very useful when I joined in 2014. I have been a developer for years . To give back and share what I learned, I started Webzone, a blog with tech tips. You can also search for tech tips zidane on Google and find my helpful posts. Love you all,

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My blog where I share my passion for web development, webzone design, and tech tips. You will find tutorials on how to build websites from scratch, using hot trends frameworks like nestjs, nextjs, cakephp, devops, docker, and more. You will also learn how to fix common bugs on development, like a mini stackoverflow. Plus, you will discover how to easily learn programming languages such as PHP (CAKEPHP, LARAVEL), C#, C++, Web(HTML, CSS, javascript), and other useful things like Office (Excel, Photoshop). I hope you enjoy my blog and find it helpful for your projects. :)

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Webzone - Zidane (
I'm developer, I like code, I like to learn new technology and want to be friend with people for learn each other
I'm a developer who loves coding, learning new technologies, and making friends with people who share the same passion. I have been a full stack developer since 2015, with more than years of experience in web development.
  • I enjoy learning new technologies, researching, and upgrading my current frameworks to the latest versions for better performance and security
  • I have strong skills in both backend and frontend development, with more advanced skills in backend. For backend, I'm good at PHP (especially CAKEPHP), NodeJS / NestJS, .NET C# (4.5), ASP.NET, Webservice, C++ 11, and lua script 4.0 5.0.
  • For backend, I'm good at PHP (especially CAKEPHP), NodeJS / NestJS, .NET C# (4.5), ASP.NET, Webservice, C++ 11, and lua script 4.0 5.0.
  • For frontend, I can work with HTML, CSS (TailwindCSS, bootstrap), Javascript ES6, JQuery, JS Framework, and NextJS
  • For database, I can work well with Mysql, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and TypeORM.
  • Experienced working with RemoteThread, ASM byte code, Send Package, Send Key
  • I have experienced in using Aliyun Cloud Service ( ECS, RDS (postgresQL).
  • I have experienced in building docker compose file: SQL, Redis, PHP8:
  • I have experienced in integrating with various payment gateways such as Paypal, Payme, AsiaPay, HANG SENG NTT Payment gateway (using CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify / base64_encode; CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify / bin2hex; CryptoJS.HmacSHA256 / hash_hmac, etc.)
  • I have used various technologies such as Restful API, WebService, Process, WindowForm, Window Message, GraphQL, Network, Multi-thread, I/O Read Write File, Synchronous and Asynchronous, Inject DLL, Hook, Window Message, File, MFC, Firebase Push Notification, JWT authentication
  • I have knowledge of obfuscation .net source code and reverse engineering.
  • I understand basic Assembly language (ASM) to compile engine code.
  • I can create websites and single page applications with PHP (Cakephp 2+/ 4+ framework)
  • I can use shell script in Linux.
  • I have basic skills in Android for Java and Swift IOS development
  • I have experienced in uploading apps to Google Play.
  • I can use Photoshop for image editing, coloring, background decoration, banner, logo, etc.
  • I have experienced in using Figma for design.
  • I can manage source code with Git and SVN.
  • I can communicate well in written English.
  • I can communicate well in spoken/written Chinese (Cantonese/mandarin).
  • I can set up servers using VPS (Virtual Private Server) and use Nginx for config balancing (Ip_hash, least_conn), IIS, Apache.
  • ...
  • This is a brief introduction of myself and my skills. If you want to know more about me or my projects, please feel free to contact me or visit my blog. Thank you for reading
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