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[Tips] How to Get Exported function in dll files written by C++ programming language

Tuesday 28 June 2016
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[Tips] How to Get Exported function in dll files written by C++ programming language

Do You wanna get all exported function in process, dll or window files, ... ?
In the case if you have dll files, you don't have the .h, .lib (Im focus C++ in window project, not C++ in linux projects), how do you use that dll?

How to get the exported functions in DLL files written by C++ programming language?

you can use different methods and tools depending on your needs and preferences. Here are some of the possible ways to do it:

• Solution 1: You can create a module definition (.def) file that lists the names of the exported functions and use it when building the DLL. This method allows you to export functions by ordinal rather than by name, which can improve performance and avoid name conflicts.

• Solution 2: You can use the keyword __declspec(dllexport) in the function's definition to mark it as an exported function. This method allows you to export functions by name and use them in C or C++ language executables.

• Solution 3: You can use a tool like DUMPBIN or Dependency Walker to examine the exports table of an existing DLL and see the names of the exported functions. These tools can also show you the decorated names of the C++ functions, which include information about their parameters and return types.

• Solution 4: You can use a tool like vc++_filt.exe to demangle the decorated names of the C++ functions and see their original names and signatures. This tool can help you understand the logic and functionality of the exported functions.

Acctually we have a best tool for do that things. So today I wanna to introduce to you two tool. One is dll export, another is resource view. From this tool, that can help you easily to dump function address, function name, and another information ...

How to Get Exported function in dll files written by C++ programming language

Using this tool can help you view resource in any dll files

Using this tool can help you export function in dll files (support 32 bits, 64 bits OS)

This utility displays the list of all exported functions and their virtual memory addresses for the specified DLL files. You can easily copy the memory address of the desired function, paste it into your debugger, and set a breakpoint for this memory address. When this function is called, the debugger will stop in the beginning of this function. 

For example: If you want to break each time that a message box is going to be displayed, simply put breakpoints on the memory addresses of message-box functions: MessageBoxA, MessageBoxExA, and MessageBoxIndirectA (or MessageBoxW, MessageBoxExW, and MessageBoxIndirectW in unicode based applications) When one of the message-box functions is called, your debugger should break in the entry point of that function, and then you can look at call stack and go backward into the code that initiated this API call. 

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